In the future, Earth has been colonized by the "Souls" a parasitic alien race which inhabit human bodies, erasing the original occupants. This book takes you on an amazing adventure and tells stories you will never forget. Stephenie Meyer's The Host is thrilling and it keeps you always wanting to know more.
This book portrays a theme of "team work." Melanie (the human host) and Wanda (the alien) learn to trust each other. When looking for Jared and Jamie they work together in a quick thinking process on how they will find them. As the story goes on they tended to rely on one another. When Wanda needed help with the humans Melanie had advice and when ever Melanie found that Jared and Jamie needed help in health related issues or to make a food run Wanda was always there to do that for her.
When reading I found myself always curious about the next thing that would happen. The characters were just as curious in the story as I was about them. I felt like this book was a learning process like I was taking a class in school over it. I liked that there was always something new on every page. Something I didn't like was that it was always a question to the characters. Sometimes I found myself drifting off.
Wanda, the alien, was a character that I never grew to like. Even though she was good in someways I felt as if she was one of those people that would stab you in the back. It was like she had to be nice to the humans because she lived there. She felt the way she felt because of Melanie. Wanda was once disgusted by the thoughts of humans until Melanies emotions started to overwhelm hers and replace them.
When picturing the place where the book took place I imagined something dirty and dark, and that the people always smelled. A cave in a mountain side was the perfect setting for the situation in the story. The humans needed to hide out away from the aliens away from civilization. Always kept to themselves.
The Host was a strange read for me. I can not relate this to me personally. I can say I've never been taken by aliens and had my body made into a host.
I would recommend this book. I wouldn't recommend it to just anyone though. The Host is one of those stories that recquires your full attention to understand whats going on. It was extremely interesting and made my imagination go wild!
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