Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Current Event.

To explain why humans can't live off caffeine and bacteria, the smaller one, can Rene Lynch try's to inform us why.
"Bacteria...get all the calories they need from it." Bacteria doesn't need much to live on. Humans need all their vitamins and minerals, unlike bacteria, to survive.
"We don't have the gears to digest the derivatives further." Human bodies take the caffeine as a source of energy but that's all. After that your body does nothing with it.
" possesses several enzymes that do things to caffeine that we can't." Because the bacteria ca break down and use caffeine for energy and food it can live on it.
Bacteria had the capability to use caffeine in ways that humans cannot allowing them to live off caffeine.
The author answered the question "why bacteria, but not humans, can live off caffeine" Explaining to us all the reasons why even if we aren't satisfied with the turn out.

Current Event.

The authors, the writer of the article, purpose was to describe to the readers what a flying saucer was, and the plans being made by the government to create one.
"The NDC in college park, MD, opened one of more than 100 cardboard boxes from the Air Force recently and came across a 114 page document." This document was written out plans by the government planning to build the "flying saucer".
"The disc shaped craft, which comes complete with an ejector seat, and powered by a ramjet." Here further detail and explanation is given to the reader about the saucer.
There was "a follow up plan to develop weapons suitable for the saucer, to all on it to be used as for reconnaissance, inceptor or tactical bomber." This was another plan made by the government. Adding weapons to the saucer.
I don't believe that "flying saucers" are real, but some of the world does, thy exist around the SI location.
I'm glad the government is searching for new and different ways to help the world and help war. To me this just seems like a movie trying to become real life.

My Responsibility to the Nation.

Everyone has responsibilities. Some have more than others. Being responsible is a big job and sometimes can cause a lot of stress. One responsibility we all share is one to our nation. My responsibility to the nation is to obey the rights given to me and have faith and trust in the president.
One way I can show responsibility to the nation is by obeying the rights entitled to us.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that they are endowed, by their creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
The Declaration of Independence says this. Out forefathers say down and wrote what rights would make this country better for a person to live in. By following the rights given to us it will make our country stronger based and create unity.
"These reflections, arising out of the present crisis, have forced themselves to strongly on my mind to be suppressed." This was said in the first Inaugural Address. Problems are made when you walk a thin line, pushing the limit, it creates unnecessary issues for our president to have to think about. The rights were made for a reason and each one suits its own purpose. Obeying them will create less problems in our nation.
Here's another responsibility. The people of our country vote for a leader.
We put our faith and trust in the president. It is one of my responsibilities to the nation to support our leader.
"I shall again give away to my entire confidence in your discernment and pursuit of the public good...carefully avoid every alteration which might endanger the benefits of an United..." George Washington said in the Inaugural Address. Putting faith in our president will help the leader lead out nation. We should have confidence that our president will keep us out of danger and make out country better.
"...the foundation of our national policy will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality.." George Washington said this in his speech. Meaning as president he'll create laws and policies that cannot be changed after its been created. I used this ad an example of trust. Trusting our president with what he does in our country.
By following the president and having faith in trust in him I am pursuing a responsibility to the nation.
Doing these to things that I feel are a great responsibility when living in this nation will help keep our nation string and united.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Current Event

It had come to the attention that we all need to prepare for the impact of climate change. Due to change, we need to watch out for rivers and rivers communities, there is where it will hit worse. It will increase droughts, floods, and waterborne diseases. Healthy rivers help community safety and security. Americans rivers are being threatened by global warming. We need clean water and water supplies. The U.S. is promoting green infrastructure solutions that protect communities and enhance health. We all need to work together in keeping our water clean and healthy!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Book Review

Before I fall
Lauren Oliver

Samantha Kingston is a pretty, popular, outgoing, has the hottest boyfriend. Seems like a charmed life right? Well it turns out that perfect day in the perfect life is your last day. Sam, thats what her friends call her, has it all going for her. The day that every one whats for is Cupids day. Cupids day is when you get roses and you get to see who gets the most roses. That night there is going to be a party and everyone is going! Her friends are so excited because thats the night she and Rob ,her boyfriend, are going to swap "V" cards. By the time they show up at the party its been storming like crazy and everyone is so wasted they cant stand up straight.
Then as the party goes on like its suppose to be Juliet Sykes graces them with her presence. Juliet Sykes is hated by everyone. Shes the outcast that no one pays attention to. Juliet making an appearance looking pretty is something to be in aw about. Juliet walks right over to Sam and her three bestfriends and calls them each a "B" word. Later that night on there way home the girls have drank way to much for safe diving and its raining outside. As they start driving down the highway Lindsay, one of Sam's bestfriends, brakes really hard and veers off the road yelling something Sam couldnt make out.
The next morning Sam feels strange. As if shes already done this same day before. Sam goes through reliving this same day 7 times and each day she lives it differently and as her last few days come around she learns whats really important.